Women’s Bible Study Group

We are on the second week of “ Week 24 It’s Praying Time” and are reading 2 Chronicles. “Pray” is found in the NIV Bible 367 times so it must be very important! David’s Prayer is found in 1 Chronicles 29 and Solomon’s Prayer in 2 Chronicles 6; in 2 Chronicles 7:11-22, God responded to Solomon that:vs 17 As for you, if you follow me as your father, David, did and obey all my commands, laws and regulations, then Inwill not let anyone take away your throne.” In vs 19, God tells Solomon “ But if you abandon me and disobey the laws and commands….then….” We ll know what happened…then!!
The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 13, 6 pm at West Barre Church; even if you have not kept up with the studies, please come anyway. We will all start with “ Week 25 You Have the Power” as a wonderful way to commit to The 6 weeks of Lent!