Women’s Bible Study Group

This is “Week 28 Maintain”, reading the Book of Job, about a man who loved God and hated evil; even at the lowest point of his life, he thanked and trusted God…he maintained his focus and integrity. Join us as we share ideas and experiences, Tuesday, March 12, 6 pm at West Barre Church. Looking ahead, we will be meeting on March 26 and April 30. Be sure to sign up for the Womens Breakfast, Saturday, April 20, pancakes at Risen Cafe!


This week’s study is “ Week 26, We’re better Together “… halfway through reading the Bible! Brought to mind the words of Jesus found in Mark 3:25, Matthew 12:25 and Luke 11:17: Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and a house divided against a house falleth…. Basically “ United we stand, divided we fall” ( Patric Henry, March 1799) Join us for discussion this Tuesday, February 27, 6 pm…. We are better together!


Words are powerful…after all, God’s spoken word created the universe! Bible study is Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 6 pm and we are on week 25 “ You have the power”… God created us with 2 types of voices: the spoken word with our mouth and the voice in our head that we talk to God with! Check out Proverbs 18; find the verses that address “words”!!