Sunday School

Early Christian Education Class:

For children 4-7 years old and will be held during our regular church service.  We will cover Old and New Testament Bible stories, scripture, songs and other activities.   Our registration form is available to download here:  registration

Tweens Christian Education Class

8-12 years and will be held during church service.  This will include The Lord’s Prayer, Bible verses, and the 10 commandments.  Registration

Confirmation Class

13 and 14 year old.  Taught be Pastor Jim, preparation for Baptism, Confirmation and Communion.  In-depth study of Christ’s life and love.  Developing a personal relationship with Christ.  This will be a bi-monthly, evening class.  Registration

Youth Group

15 years and up.  Evening group meetings to be taught by Pastor Jim and his wife Kim and will cover Christ as personal savior, study, mission, and service.  Registration