My Birthday Gift for Jesus
My Birthday Gift for Jesus

Christmas is coming.
Together as a congregation we will choose a birthday gift for Jesus. Please vote for one of the following: To state your vote you can email Reverend Brad, call the church, mail a note or even drop off a note at the church. Any way you choose, we need the results by November 28.
1. Wesley’s Place is a faith community that serves communities near the Buffalo/Niagara medical Campus that strives to connect people with God and with each other. It is a ministry of the Williamsville UMC, Rev. Gregg Steirhiem is the pastor of this new venture. Gatherings are online, coffee shops, parks, etc. Rev. Gregg has lead worship several times at West Barre UMC.
2. New Hope Asia: Tina Nguyen created a ministry with a set aside tribe in Viet Nam, offering education for children, worship, and a ministry for young women to earn an honest wage. For fear of her life, she left Viet Nam and started similar ministries Cambodia. Tina has visited West Barre UMC
3. Southern Sudan Health Project: This United Methodist Mission in South Sudan has 8 Home Health Promoters who work to educate and provide basic medical care in Malek. In 2020 West Barre UMC filled a suitcase of medicines that arrived in Malek in September. West Barre is the largest supporter of the Home Health Promoters who care for about 1,000 persons every month, The HHP’s are many months behind in receiving their pay. Rev, Brad coordinates this project.
4. The “Ark”: Heifer International provides animals for families around the world, including this country. The animals are given, with the first off-spring to be given to other families. It is a very caring way of changing the economics of families. An “Ark” has many, many animals and a vet kit included in the package. The cost for a complete Ark is $5000. Last year, the congregation chose this gift for Jesus and raised $6500. Ideally, this gift continues to multiply and changes lives and communities.